Room 10 Rocks!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Celebration of Cultural Events Day

On the 12 of August Winton School had a Cultural Celebration day. It was a day to show off the new Kapa Haka uniforms, the kapa Haka group, yr 7&8 Samoan Sasa, Junior Kapa Haka and the Room 5&6 Kapa Haka. Not only did we have Winton School kids performing but we also had a Filipino Dance group. And the Central Southland College Kapa Haka group. Then to end the day we had a Hangi! The food was delicious and some of us had never tried hangi food so it was a good learning experience. Room 10 had a bake sale to raise money for camp, it went really well with just about everything selling! Over all it was a great day!


  1. I really enjoyed the hangi food. The Kapa Haka uniforms looked great!

  2. Yeah this day was a great day. I hope we have another one like this another time!

  3. It was sooooo much fun! I loved helping the younger ones! :) and your right Ellie the uniforms did look great!


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