Room 10 Rocks!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Term 3 Week 5

Dragon Maths 4 - page 94 & 95
Dragon Maths 5 - page 93 & 94

You are expected to read for at least 15 mins each night.Record your nightly
reading in your reading log in the back of your book.

PrEP Currency design:
See your PrEP currency sheet for all of the information you need to know. 
Your designs are due on Friday

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Celebration of Cultural Events Day

On the 12 of August Winton School had a Cultural Celebration day. It was a day to show off the new Kapa Haka uniforms, the kapa Haka group, yr 7&8 Samoan Sasa, Junior Kapa Haka and the Room 5&6 Kapa Haka. Not only did we have Winton School kids performing but we also had a Filipino Dance group. And the Central Southland College Kapa Haka group. Then to end the day we had a Hangi! The food was delicious and some of us had never tried hangi food so it was a good learning experience. Room 10 had a bake sale to raise money for camp, it went really well with just about everything selling! Over all it was a great day!

Buddy Reading

Every Friday Room 10 has buddy reading with room 6. We have all had different buddy's that are all great readers. My first buddy was Hope who was an awesome reader. Her favourite types of books to read were fairy tales and books about princesses. My second buddy was Zoe who loved reading to me and listened really well when I read to her. She made lots of progress over term 2 and 3 and I was proud of her. My buddy now is Maddison who is a fantastic reader and loves to read books together.

Chloe, my buddy Zoe and I.

Every Friday Room 10 go to Room 6 for buddy reading. I have had two buddies since the start of the year. In term 1 I had Owen who has gone up levels since the start of the year. He also started to read chapter books. My other buddy Allysia is a great reader who likes reading big books. She can read big words without me helping her and is also moving up levels. My favourite part of buddy reading is listening to my buddies read.They are both great readers and I hope I have another great reader this term.

This is Owen reading his stories to me.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

On Friday we have buddy reading, each week Teira and I have a buddy named Kayden. He has improved a lot in reading, when we first started reading with him he was on level 6, now he has moved all the way up level 13 Teira and I were so impressed with him. My favourite part in buddy reading is listening to my buddy read. Also I like to see that he is enjoying himself with us there helping him, also another part I like is getting out of school work.  

My buddy Is an amazing reader and loves to have fun. his name is Josh Gill. he loves playing i spy with me and reading lots of different books. He needs to concentrate a little more when he is reading though. Well done Josh keep it up.
This is Kate and I reading.
My buddy's name is Kate, she is an amazing reader. One day she read me the whole book of Green Eggs And Ham. She has improved heaps in reading and is even reading big chapter books. She loves to read plays with her friend Sarah, who is also a good reader. Kate is still improving on learning to slow down a bit more when she is reading. Kate is an awesome reader and an awesome buddy.
On Fridays room 10 goes to buddy reading with room 6, We each have a partner as there is not enough kids to have one each, every now and again we change our buddy's. Room 10 goes to buddy reading to help the little kids read, it is fun watching and helping the kids learn.
My buddy and I {Matariki} read books that are interesting and are a challenge. I have seen a huge improvement over the last few weeks which is great, and now because of that improvement we can go onto harder books like big chapters. AWESOME! She is still working on going a little slower with her reading. Matariki is an amazing reader and I am so lucky to have her as a buddy.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Hi Room 10!
I am hoping you will get onto our blog and write about your snow day adventures!! We would love to see some photos if you have taken some...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Homework Week 2 Term 3

Kia ora team -
Your main focus this week is your persuasive argument speech:

  1. Decide on what stance you are going to take in your speech - for or against?
  2. Decide on 3-4 main points that you are going to talk about
  3. Start collecting facts and points of views - write where they come from (e.g. www.the this website looks great if you want to include unusual facts in your speech!
  4. Write an introduction that captures the audiences attention. Use a rhetorical question or a fact or humour and persuasive language to achieve this.
  5. Group our information into paragraphs
  6. Start to gather ideas for your conclsion
Be prepared to share your information on Friday.

ALSO don't forget your items for our camp fundraising stall on Friday!