Room 10 Rocks!!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Hello again!! I hope you had a fun day back at school! We are staying in San Fransisco now, but only for two days. The weather is still nice but the wind can sometimes pick up. Once we leave San Fransisco we are driving for about 7 and a half hours to Santa Monica. We are staying there for 5 days then we are going to Hawaii for 4 days before coming home. My suitecase is so full that I dont think I can fit much more in it!! It is not long now until we come home (just under 2 weeks) and i cant wait to get back! (despite the thought of coming back to winter!) We have taken LOTS of photos and I will hopefully beable to bring them sometime to show you. Today we went on a boat to a prison island called Alcatraz. It was where all the REALLY bad people use to go instead of normal prison. Tomorrow we are getting on a hop on-hop off bus that will take us around San Fransisco. We are able to hop on and hop off where ever we want to (thats why its called the hop on-hop off bus) We will ptobably do that for the day then on Tuesday, (here it will be Tuesday and in NZ it will be Wednesday,were also 5 hours ahead of you,) we are driving to Santa Monica.
Thats all for now!


  1. Wow Hailey! You sound like you are having an AWESOME time (as I knew you would!!) The theme parks are so much fun aren't they?! I can imagine your suitcase is brimming with goodies from your trip!
    I've always wanted to visit Alcatraz - will look forward to seeing your photos of it and your whole trip!
    Hawaii will be a fabulous end to your holiday (it is definitely Autumn here - Lots of leaves on the ground)
    Enjoy the rest of your holiday Hailey! We look forward to see you soon!
    Miss Brown

  2. Wow Hailey. I Have always wanted to go to Las Vegas and Hawaii. I am sure our classroom is looking forward to seeing you back at school. Have a great trip back.

  3. I look forward to seeing you all when I get back! I will try update you again sometime!

  4. Hello Hailey, it's Nadine here I can't wait for you to come back to NZ the class is so quiet with you gone. It sounds like you are having so much fun without us. I'm sure you will be glad that you missed cross country training but I think that you will get back in time for the actual thing on the 17th. Which I know you will be glad about.


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